Trauma and Memory and Consequences for Treatment

In medicine, the word “trauma” is used to indicate a physical injury including an injury to the brain. In mental health, trauma is used to refer to a distressing and disturbing experience. When people talk about childhood trauma, they often refer to the long-lasting psychological injuries related to abuse or to extremely adverse experiences that […]


In the first place…people need to be informed Regarding seeking services for health issues, I cannot stress enough the importance for people to feel respected. I believe that we can all relate to that. When seeking help, regardless of what these services are, we want to feel treated respectfully and equally. Nothing angers people more […]

You are not alone, so be brave!

What is most personal is most general – Another learning Following is another quote from Carl Rogers. It is an important one as it on the one hand invites people to be more personal and on the other hand demonstrates that many other people can understand us as we seem to speak (often) the same […]

This remembrance Day…

Interpersonal Trauma – Collective Trauma Today is remembrance day, November 11, 2020. I have mentioned Jon Allen, PhD. before. Allen has written about trauma. Allen’s YouTube clips with interviews and his writings are often mentioned in the training I provide to mental health professionals. As I am providing this type of training again this week, […]